Corinne E. Dadivas, DC
Dr. Dadivas has been practicing in Newport Beach for 20 years. She diagnoses and treats a broad range of physical conditions in patients with muscular, nervous, and skeletal problems, especially the spine. She makes use of conventional diagnostic tests, such as X-rays, MRIs, and lab work, as well as specific procedures that involve manipulation by hand of various parts of the body. Spinal manipulation is only a small part of what Dr. Dadivas does as part of an overall plan to manage her patients' conditions and give them optimal health. Her treatments are customized for your specific condition and may include:
• Movement Rehabilitation
• Sports Specific Rehabilitation
• Cupping and Kinesio Taping
• Traction and Decompression
• Prenatal Care
• Myofascial Release & IASTM
• Various Massage Therapies
• Functional Medicine
• Detoxification Programs
• Lymphatic Drainage
• Laser Therapy